The Virginian (1923)

Stars: Kenneth Harlan, Florence Vidor, Russell Simpson, Raymond Hatton
Director: Tom Forman
Runtime: 79 minutes
Language: English subtitles - music score
Color:  Black and White
Format:  DVD-R (region free)
Rating: NR

The Virginian

Director: Tom Forman

Kenneth Harlan ... The Virginian
Florence Vidor ... Molly Wood
Russell Simpson ... Trampas
Pat O'Malley ... Steve
Raymond Hatton ... Shorty
Milton Ross ... Judge Henry
Sam Allen ... Uncle Hughey

Prim and proper New Englander Molly Wood travels to Wyoming to be the new schoolteacher and there she begins to fall for the honest charms of the cowboy know as The Virginian. Yet the harsh truths of frontier life and justice threaten to push them apart.

79 minutes with a music score by David Knudtson

